The miserable video became the first joke on the Internet


This article is reproduced from the New Weekly APP (ID: app-neweekly)

Original title: Internet study hard: I suffer, you laugh

Author: Shepherd

There is a kind of haha, screaming haha

When I was surfing the Internet recently, I saw the most special effects videos of gourd and melon.

In the green rind of the melon on the screen, there are two slightly tired eyes and a small red mouth.

To be honest, when I saw this scene for the first time, I showed the "mobile phone face of the old man in the subway"...

But as long as you listen to the sharing of the two melon heads, you will definitely understand why there are "hahahahaha" floating in the barrage all over the screen.

"On the first day of employment, HR saw my friend and I complained about her chat history, and now I'm on my way home..."

"After quarreling and losing, I accidentally dropped my favorite jewelry into the toilet."

The person behind the melon rind shared his experience of "hard life" with everyone, and sighed a long time from time to time.

This situation is really sad, but also really funny.

In addition, all kinds of bittersweet emojis, lemon heads and orangutan face special effects popular on the Internet all have one thing in common: the tone and expression are miserable, but they can always trigger a "haha" in the comment area.

There is a "mistake effect" in psychology, that is, people will not trust people with perfect personalities, but will prefer and trust those who can see shortcomings and make mistakes.

Now, the majority of netizens have made full use of this effect, figuring out a set of "internet hard work" in the new era, and warmly greeted the passing audience: "Please come in and see my hard work, and then you can start laughing!"


How to learn "Internet hard work"?

Internet hard work, that is, using various popular elements of the Internet to complain about their "hardships". While making the audience laugh out loud, life's ups and downs aren't so frustrating.

Netizens who can skillfully use this set of knowledge are "hard scholars".

To master the hard work of the Internet, the first thing is to change the way of expression. It is necessary to let the audience experience the sense of belonging of "shared suffering", in order to bring them a sense of "same sweetness" when they accurately poke the pain point.

Whether it is the moment of death in the workplace, or the "Tips for promotion" of "Leaders turn the table when they pick up food, and leaders speak and I chat", they can use fluent language and organizational skills to restore their various "suffering" scenes, and use accurate words and phrases An output (after the fact) is a must-have skill for Internet nerds.

In the "Social Death" group on Douban, Douyou shared his conversation with the wronged boss. /Douban user@beanmilkmaster

The bitter scholars can always express their grievances heartily in various forms, but they are rarely seen selling miserably.

There is a question on Zhihu: "Is there any emoji that can express real sadness?" After recovering from the sea of ​​emojis in the comments, everyone unanimously found: No.

Expression packs were born for entertainment, and sadness is a serious matter, and expression packs are destined to not be a carrier of sadness.

From the little bitter gourd in the world, the tearful cat head, to the horse man BoJack, the love of bitter scholars has made the Kuhaha emoji "top-notch".

No matter how sad the picture is used in the expression pack, coupled with the context, the moment the audience sees it, there is always an urge to laugh in their hearts.

Tears are more like an OK cat head, doesn't it look like you who work 7 days in a row?

Sad and helpless emoticons, although they can vividly show the feelings of the bitter scholars, they also carry a lot of ridicule, so that everyone's complaints will not be so serious.

And the essence of Internet hard work is: put the hardships out, and let everyone have fun together .

In the past, everyone always covered up their "embarrassing things", but now the bitter scholars don't care at all.

They rely on various short video special effects to share their "suffering" with everyone.

Don't you want to see how miserable I am? Then I'll tear open my wounds and show you; don't you want to laugh at me? I laugh at myself first, louder than you.

Hiding behind the Lemon Head special effect, the aspirants were able to complain freely. /B station screenshot

As talk show actor He Guangzhi said in the performance: "No matter how hard life is, as long as you don't cry out in pain, you are a performance artist."

Internet bitter scholars use humorous expressions to attract everyone's attention, and then use ridicule to dissolve their sufferings, and at the same time they can win the audience's heart to smile. Thinking about this, their sufferings seem to be more valuable. .


Internet "study hard", not only have fun

The popularity of Internet hard study is the result of the active choice of contemporary young people.

In the past, the elders would always say, "Young people must endure more hardships", so that when we really suffered grievances, we were afraid of being laughed at as "can't endure hardships" and would just endure it silently.

Psychological research has shown that constantly experiencing negative life events "wear and tear" on people's self-evaluation and emotional health, leading people to believe that they should have bad outcomes in their lives for a longer period of time, accepting reality and not making changes.

However, the environment in which everyone speaks out on the Internet has made more and more people see that these troubles that they thought they had to face can still be ridiculed in this way, and people's mentality to actively deal with hardships can be gradually established.

As the "OG (Old Elder)" who studied hard, the talk show actors made up the hardships in life into jokes, and spread the hardships with the power of the Internet.

Talk show actor Tang Xiangyu complained that riding a bicycle to work in winter is "no less than crossing the Guandong East, on average 44 times a month, and Li Yunlong can't stand this intensity".

Considering a haunted house because he can't afford a house is a ridicule and restoration of the status quo of Shanghai Drift by talk show actor Meng Chuan.

In the 5-minute talk show that everyone can talk about, the aspirants get to show their talents. / "Talk Show Season 5" stills

Seeing the hard-working seniors sharing their "wrongful seed" deeds generously on the Internet, the new hard-working scholars also began to post and complain: "Enduring hardship is a blessing, then I wish you blessings like the East China Sea!"

After deconstructing the bitterness of reality layer by layer in self-deprecation and ridicule, bitter scholars have found new spiritual solace.

Although the bitter scholars have gradually mastered the right to speak on the Internet, they who chanted "never suffer hardships casually" on the Internet are likely to be submissive in reality.

This may be why the topic of "reorganizing the workplace after 00" is popular: we hope that someone will do things for us that we dare not do.

Although unable to solve the dilemma in reality, contemporary young people still express a weak resistance attitude: "I can't strike hard in reality, how can I have to occupy the high ground mentally!"


"Smile, why do I have to suffer?"

Every era was once called the "hardest generation", and it was once complained by the previous generation that it "can't endure hardship".

In the 1960s and 1970s, they suffered from the harsh living environment. In the 1980s and 1990s, they suffered from the lack of material resources. In Generation Z, young people began to suffer from the poverty of the spiritual world.

The suffering faced by contemporary youth is often comprehensive. Compared with the predecessors, the physical suffering has been much less. In the era of advanced technology and basic guarantee of life, they still have a steady stream of anxiety.

Have a good education, a job that will not be dismissed easily, and keep yourself and your family healthy...

People's caution is very similar to the evaluation of the current situation by the protagonist Baoling in George Orwell's book "Come and Breathe":

"Only when I dreamed that I pushed the boss into the well and piled coal on it when I was sleeping, did I feel free in my heart."

Most people can't and don't dare to really change the reality, so "Internet hard study" came into being.

In fact, studying hard on the Internet is not about criticizing hardship, but not believing in hardship.

Bearing hardships and standing hard work is inherent in our virtues, and contemporary young people seem to be more self-thinking than their predecessors when receiving information and values ​​conveyed by various media.

According to the "Tencent Post-00 Research Report" survey, Gen Z people tend to have a stronger sense of autonomy and can discover what they want earlier.

Post-00s have more opportunities and resources to learn about themselves. / "Tencent Post-00 Research Report"

The increasingly clear self-awareness makes contemporary young people unwilling to believe in the later fallacy that "endurance is a necessary condition for success", and do not make meaningless "sufficient suffering" in order to achieve the so-called "success".

The original 20th-century media theorist and thinker Marshall McLuhan once put forward the theory that "the medium is the massage", that is, the masses may be massaged (shaped) by the media unknowingly.

In the past, the media always created the image of hard work and hard work, but when the aspiring scholars began to master the right to speak in the media, they tried to use their voices to shape new cognition.

The more voices of bitter scholars, the more new thinking they bring.

Nowadays, studying hard is like the spiritual victory method of contemporary young people. It is not necessarily right to speak out loudly after suffering.

Everyone can get comfort by laughing together; even better if they can teach others to avoid pitfalls.

If you have encountered any unsatisfactory things in your life, you might as well try to use the Internet to study hard, and also experience the coolness of "I'm suffering, please laugh".


[1] The lemon head of station B is on fire, why is it embarrassing to share? | Tower Gate

[2] Charles, S. T., Piazza, J. R., Mogle, J., Sliwinski, M. J., & Almeida, D. M. (2013). The wear and tear of daily stressors on mental health. Psychological Science, 24, 733–741. doi:10.1177/0956797612462222

[3] The post-90s who broke into the talk show industry: turning pain into a joke, and not caring about "red or not" | Titanium Media APP

[4] Why is it said that the post-70s generation is actually the most bitter generation, and what is the root cause? | First Psychology

[5] "Tencent Post-00 Research Report" | Tencent Social Insights × Tencent User Research and Experience Design Department

[6] The media significance of McLuhan's "medium is massage" in the era | Audiovisual

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