Web front-end: the most suitable web development technology stack


The web technology stack refers to the front-end, back-end, and database to be used. Both the front-end and the back-end can be divided into language and framework components. The back-end is used for server-side communication, and the front-end is the consumer side of the software. Let's discuss some popular technology stacks that can be part of web and application development projects.

MEAN stack

MEAN is one of the top technology stacks that technologists prefer to develop complex mobile and responsive web applications, it consists of MongoDB, Express, Angular and Node, controlled by a single language, it is a perfect combination of database, framework and web server , the combination is ideal for developing scalable and fast applications, it uses JavaScript as a single language and avoids multiple problems in web development.

MEAN Pros: Cost effective, fast switching between client and server, ideal for real-time web applications, highly flexible, open source and time saving.

MEA Cons: Lack of extensive support and security holes.

MERN stack

The MERN stack consists of MongoDB, Express, React and Node, it is almost the same as MEAN, it swaps React for Angular, the best features of this stack are the integration of React, robust libraries, and the ability to use code on both the browser and the server , with the possibility of full stack development (backend and frontend).

MERN advantages: cost-effective, easy switching between client and server, open source, UI rendering and performance

MERN Cons: Less productive, not suitable for large applications

MERN is the second most popular web technology stack. The MERN technology stack is open source and has an extensive set of testing tools.

In the web front-end training, there is also course knowledge about the MERN technology stack. The theoretical courses + practical projects are learned together to deepen the knowledge, accumulate project experience, and achieve rapid improvement.

LAMP stack

When it comes to having a time-tested web development stack, the LAMP stack is the most important. It includes Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP. LAMP is an old classic industry standard, open source and free to use.

The Linux (operating system), Apache (HTTP server), MySQL (relational database management) and PHP (programming language) stacks are ideal for web development, it runs efficiently on all operating systems and makes the website run flexible and cost-effective. Developers prefer the LAMP stack because it is simple, stable and powerful.

LAMP Pros: Dynamic, fully open source, reliable, and easier for users to access digital documents

LAMP Cons: Performance issues with high traffic sites and the challenges of getting all the components to work together

MEVN stack

Like MEAN and MERN, the MEVN stack is a new technology for front-end development, it consists of MongoDB, Express, Vue.js, and Node.js, and it has Vue.JS as an open-source framework that developers use to build user interfaces . Vue is fast and easy to learn.

MEVN Pros: Faster backend development using MVC architecture, platform independent, faster, easy to learn, JavaScript at all development levels, and efficient development.

MEVN Cons: Lack of support and plugins from the larger community

Serverless stack

Serverless technology stacks are the first choice for all startups, SMEs, and billionaires because of their ability to handle scalability issues. When an application is developed on the cloud, it does cloud infrastructure management. Serverless computing platforms have "pay-as-you-go" capabilities that are cost-effective for end users. Businesses are only charged when their application is running on the server.

Serverless Stack Benefits: Lower Costs, Enhance Scalability, Reduce Worries, and Emphasize User Experience

Serverless stack cons: Vendor locked, complex and not suitable for long-term distribution

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails (RoR) or Rails is a reactive web development stack for developers, this open source and object-oriented stack is ideal for developing lightweight applications and completing projects quickly, it helps developers increase flexibility.

Rails Stack Pros: Efficient, Large Community, Libraries, Help Tools, and Strong Standards

Rails stack disadvantages: lack of flexibility, performance and continuous development.

The technology stack is the mechanism that makes your website or web application run smoothly. So, when it comes to developing programming projects, the tech stack catches everyone's attention. Also, choosing the right tech stack for newer web projects is not easy.

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