A New Era of Promotion and Marketing for Foreign Trade Enterprises


The current era is an era of innovation and technology, the development of self-media, and an era of better promotion and marketing by foreign trade companies. If foreign trade e-commerce wants to do a good job in foreign trade promotion, it needs more and better planning and promotion plans to improve the effect in an orderly manner. The plan must be in line with the field of foreign trade e-commerce and the operation of foreign trade enterprises.

The following will help foreign trade e-commerce drainage:

l Social media drainage

In today's world, everyone has a mobile phone, and everyone is inseparable from the social software in the mobile phone. In foreign Facebook, Tik Tok, ins, etc., domestic social media such as Xiaohongshu, bilibili, Kuaishou, etc., by triggering keywords, they are connected to the blog or account promotion of foreign trade enterprises, so as to have a large number of clicks and pageviews , exposure rate, and bring more traffic attention to foreign trade enterprise brands and products. The methods are not limited to: blogger blog push, paid advertisement push, video shooting push, etc., to increase customer potential to a greater extent and improve the brand of foreign trade enterprises. attention and product sales.

l Optimize ranking and drainage

As the world's largest search engine, Google's users have exceeded 3 billion, and it is naturally a big head that cannot be let go. Optimizing organic rankings in Google is an extremely common practice. Through Google, in the 24-hour non-stop display, it can bring a steady stream of clicks and page views to foreign trade e-commerce. This requires foreign trade e-commerce companies to maintain a high degree of vigilance, and constantly optimize their own website and its structure, improve website keyword search, optimize and update and deliver website content, non-stop maintenance and repair of website operations, etc. SEO practices must be highly concentrated. . Of course, optimizing rankings is a gradual accumulation and step-by-step process. Don’t be in a hurry to achieve success overnight. Although Google is used as an example, the above method is not limited to other search engines. The various improvements in exposure and attention mean better promotion of foreign trade e-commerce. Who can refuse?

l Independent station drainage

An independent foreign trade e-commerce station refers to an independent domain name with content and data established based on SaaS technology, which operates as a new channel for publicity and promotion of various media. The establishment of an independent foreign trade e-commerce station is an important part of the promotion of foreign trade enterprises. Even if it has been promoted on the B2B platform, it is still an important marketing tool for foreign trade enterprises to promote. Independent sites can attract customers through the linked diversion websites, so as to achieve the goal of converting click-through rates to passenger traffic. In today's market, there are also many website construction companies to choose from, but remember: the website design of the independent website should conform to the aesthetics and browsing habits of overseas customers, with multilingual version website content information, rich marketing multilingual copywriting, A good user experience, in line with the SEO standards of foreign trade companies, search engines and overseas passenger flow.

l Strategy drainage

The formulation of foreign trade e-commerce promotion and marketing strategies will help foreign trade enterprises to clarify the goals and directions of promotion and marketing. When formulating a strategy, it needs to include: the purpose of promotion and marketing, where to promote marketing, who the expected target group is, the search habits and communication methods of the target group, etc. All need to be clarified in advance. After clarifying these, think about the promotion and marketing budget, find the promotion and marketing company, and the purpose of staged promotion and marketing. After formulating the content contained in the above strategy, we can carry out promotion and marketing more effectively and with purpose.

l Mail Drainage

Although in the era of self-media, social media is essential, but in work, email still occupies an important position. The use of email drainage is generally the practice of small and medium-sized foreign trade e-commerce enterprises. It saves time and effort and low overhead. As long as you find a reliable email sending and receiving platform or company, you can reap a large amount of communication.

Shenzhen Power Push Technology Co., Ltd. is a cutting-edge technology company dedicated to international search engine optimization, SEO optimization and multilingual website platform development. Ideas, skills and methods to develop international markets faster and in depth. Help export enterprises to plan and implement services in the field of e-commerce smoothly, including multilingual foreign trade website construction, multilingual B2C website construction, foreign trade website SEO optimization, international search engine optimization, multilingual SEO optimization, multilingual search engine optimization MSEO, multilingual search Engine PPC, comprehensive foreign trade search engine marketing, through multi-channel promotion to obtain traffic, such as Facebook advertising, Google advertising, SEO, content marketing, Internet celebrity marketing, etc., through creative personalized and reliable foreign trade online marketing solutions to help China export Enterprises use informatization to create great benefits!

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