Cross-border face-to-face | Interview with Castrum CEO


Hello, Mr. Jiang, I am the editor-in-chief.

It's rare for you to come here, so I want to have an interview with you to hear some of your valuable opinions on us.

1. Which platform did you work on before, and in which year did you start?

I used to do Ali International Station, and I started doing it in 2013.

Second, what is the main purpose


3. How is the store operating now?

It was ok at the beginning, but later due to some subjective or objective reasons, it will be worse than before.

Fourth, why do you want to be an independent station now?

As for whether to do an independent station, this plan started last year, because the platform has the advantages of the platform, but the limitations are also obvious, such as strong invoicing, many rules, annual fees, etc., plus the friends around In the layout of independent stations, so I finally decided to start doing independent stations.

5. Why choose

Before choosing Zhongyun, I also paid attention to many companies, and finally chose Zhongyun, mainly for several reasons:

  1. You are focusing on independent station services, and you have advantages in services in the sub-sectors of independent stations, such as from store construction, to logistics payment channel docking, to advertising placement counseling, etc. You have someone to guide us. This time, I would like to thank you for helping to solve the problem of FB ban

  2. Your service follow-up is relatively timely. Basically, there are problems. As soon as I call in the group, you can respond as soon as possible. For example, last May Day, when I encountered a problem, I called in the group and you went online. Now, even sometimes after 10 o'clock in the evening, if you have any questions, you can have someone to answer them. I find this rare.

  3. There are also some value-added services that I personally value. For example, watching courses on your official website is free. Usually, I will help you with some recruitment, free operation, etc., using your words from Mr. Lin, say that one day I will. If I forgot to bring a tissue to the toilet, as long as I make a call, I will find a way to deliver it no matter where I am.

6. What do you think needs to be improved for our services?

In general, the service of the independent station is already very good. If you have to make suggestions, when can you start the live broadcast and share more about the operation of the independent station. The courses recorded on your official website are all original, in fact, they can also be opened. Live broadcast, so that more cross-border practitioners can learn more knowledge about independent stations for free.

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