A must-see in Southeast Asia! The popularity of the fish seller 'Wang Lei'!


directory/ contents

1. Southeast Asia Emerging Markets

2. Wang Lei

3. Wang Lei Live

4. "Linbei" sells fish

5. Flow positive feedback: Zhu Zhenyi

6. Traffic explosion point: the audience needs to vent

7. Amplify positive feedback

8. ERP and independent stations make orders soar

9. Summary

1. Emerging markets in Southeast Asia

Cross-border e-commerce in 2022 is not very good, and the profits of the North American market have dropped sharply. Therefore, many merchants have turned their attention to emerging cross-border markets, such as Southeast Asia, Japan, South Korea, and Brazil. Southeast Asia, led by Vietnam, has experienced rapid economic development in recent years, but its e-commerce development is still in its infancy, and a complete e-commerce ecosystem has not yet been formed. Many new business models and new companies will emerge in Southeast Asia. This area is formed, and now is the best time to occupy the market.

Merchants can choose Lazada, Shopee or independent stations to enter the Southeast Asian market, but how to get promotion marketing and off-site traffic? Let's take a look at how, under the epidemic, Wang Lei, the "fish seller", stood out from the crowd of anchors, became popular on the Internet, and became the No. 1 Internet celebrity in Southeast Asia!

2. Wang Lei

Wang Lei: Originally from Zhangzhou, Fujian, he speaks fluent Hokkien and Chaoshan dialects. He is a Singapore Getai singer and actor . In 2020, after the outbreak of the epidemic, Wang Lei was selling fish live on the Internet. Wang Lei became popular on the Internet. Because the fish sold was often "exported to be dirty", he was also called "Brother Zuan Fish Selling" by netizens.

At the beginning of 2020, the epidemic caused practitioners in various industries to stop work or even lose their jobs. Wang Lei is also one of them. In order to avoid crowds gathering, all singing activities in Singapore have been stopped. From February to April 2020, Wang Lei did not receive an invitation to work, and he had no income for 75 days. Wang Lei was very anxious.

One day, when he was driving out for a stroll, he met a fisherman who was also suffering from the epidemic. The two complained to each other, and the fisherman told Wang Lei that after the shutdown, there was no sales channel for the fish that had been salvaged.

3. Wang Lei live broadcast

When Wang Lei heard this, he had a plan. He told the fisherman that although he was not very famous, he could help sell fish online and try it. The two hit it off, and Wang Lei went home and told his wife about it. Within a few days, they began to sell fish live on Facebook. The location was directly placed in their own home, which was more lifelike and closer to ordinary people.

Wang Lei only thought that he could help a handful, but he didn't expect that he would be able to sell so much by selling fish. On the first night of the broadcast, Wang Lei was busy telling jokes to attract viewers by relying on his getai and entertainment experience. When there were more people, he began to introduce the origin, taste and variety of fish. The live broadcast continued until 11:00 pm.

He hurriedly counted, and there were more than 300 orders. He was very pleasantly surprised, he didn't expect to be able to help the fisherman so much. But the accompanying handwritten customer address information kept him and his wife busy until five or six in the morning the next day.

As the number of live broadcasts increased, Wang Lei's temper became more and more hot. It's not because of the pressure on the goods, but mainly because the audience in the live broadcast room is too strange. He sells fish, and is busy introducing the types and prices of fish, how much the discount is for this shopping, and how to receive the goods if you buy them... As a result, some viewers asked, can your fish be bought and released?

4. "Linbei" sells fish

Wang Lei laughed angrily when he looked at the fish that had been evacuated in the fresh-keeping bag. He scolded, Lin Bei is telling you about fish, and you ask Lin Bei if the fish can be released. In Hokkien dialect, "Lin Bei" means "your father and me", plus Wang Lei's Mandarin with a slight Hokkien flavor, In an instant, the live broadcast was detonated, and even the number of viewers in the live broadcast room increased exponentially, and the maximum number of viewers once reached 20,000. So the orders that night also surged to more than 1,000 orders. This time, Wang Lei's family of three copied the customer's request and address together, and then copied it to 11:00 noon the next day.

5. Flow positive feedback: Zhu Zhenyi

After the last order was popular, Wang Lei received a thank you call from the fisherman. On the phone, the fisherman said, Wang Lei, you actually sell more (orders) than the supermarket. It was this sentence that made Wang Lei decide to continue selling fish live. Wang Lei has always adhered to the principle that no matter what the audience in the live broadcast room asks, he will reply. Because he thinks that's what he's doing, and it's natural to help you solve your shopping-related doubts.

Perhaps it is this principle that makes the audience's speech gradually go further and further on the road of nonsense and outrageous. Until a person named "Zhu Zhenyi" came to the live broadcast room. On the live broadcast that day, Wang Lei was selling chicken wings, and Zhu Zhenyi asked, "Are there any fish wings for sale?" Wang Lei was speechless, holding his forehead and screaming that he had a headache, and he blurted out foul language. After Wang Lei sold out the chicken wings, he sold another fish. Zhu Zhenyi continued to ask, "Is your fish male or female?" "How old is your fish? Can you release it when you buy it?"

This kind of nonsensical three consecutive questions attracted a burst of carnival from the live audience, and everyone couldn't stop laughing. Wang Lei was so angry that he was speechless, and his 60-year-old face was wrinkled. When his anger disappeared, he continued to "line up" with Zhu Zhenyi.

Zhu Zhenyi's several nonsensical speeches brought the popularity of the live broadcast room to a climax, and at most more than 30,000 people were watching the live broadcast at the same time. The volume of orders has only increased, but Wang Lei's wife feels that the live broadcast is a public area after all, and it is not good to scold people like that. So Wang Lei decided not to make foul language again, but in the two weeks that he did not make foul language, the number of viewers of the live broadcast showed a cliff-like decline.

6. Traffic explosion point: the audience needs to vent

This turning point in traffic made Wang Lei understand that under the epidemic, everyone is bored at home and needs to vent. What the audience likes to watch is also his most authentic appearance.

7. Amplify positive feedback

So Wang Lei continued to sell fish live in the previous way, answering any questions, including actively "matching" with Zhu Zhenyi. By the fourth and fifth weeks, there were up to 60,000 people watching online. Wang Lei had never been so excited. He didn't expect that at the age of 60, he could still attract the attention of so many people.

Until an audience in Fujian told Wang Lei that his video had been moved to the Internet, netizens liked him very much and called him to sell fish. Only then did Wang Lei know that he was really on fire.

8. ERP and independent stations make orders soar

Although the popularity of live broadcasts has started, orders have also skyrocketed. But with the increase in the number of orders, there is also customer information. Wang Lei looked at thousands of orders and wondered how long he would stay up late to write. Fortunately, Wang Lei's nephew is a programmer who designed the corresponding ERP system. The address information that the audience fills in after placing an order can be viewed or directly connected to the computer to export.

This system allows Wang Lei to no longer worry about staying up late to copy, but instead concentrates on selling live broadcasts. Wang Lei's son also designed an independent online shopping station for live-streaming sales, allowing users to place orders, transfer money and other operations directly with their mobile phones. After this independent station is launched, the list of goods sold can be synchronized regularly every day, which not only saves Wang Lei's time, but also saves users' time, and the sales of live broadcast sales have reached a new level.

In September 2020, Wang Lei registered his own trademark brand "Saiyu Ge", and then began to set up a company, officially selling goods through live broadcasts. It is worth mentioning that Zhu Zhenyi, mentioned above, also joined Wang Lei's company and became an employee of Wang Lei's subordinates.

9. Summary

Wang Lei's live broadcast room is full of market spirit every day , and it seems that it is difficult to be elegant, but it is this kind of "local accent" and "laughing and scolding" that are close to the masses that make the audience in the live broadcast room in the depressed epidemic situation, I found a vent where I can vent , which is also the bursting point of the traffic in its live broadcast room.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that Wang Lei's unconventional live broadcast did not arouse the anger and disgust of the audience, and it has a certain relationship with his serious, sincere and true treatment of the live broadcast audience .

Although the explosion of "Selling Fish" Wang Lei is not the result of a deliberate marketing operation, the underlying logic behind its explosion can be used for reference - to find the explosion point of traffic, find positive feedback and amplify the positive feedback, Use technology and independent stations to get popular revenue. More specific marketing logic analysis can be found in the previous article: Want to create a cross-border explosion? Might as well learn from the "Wang Xinling Route"!

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